
Three Crazy Homesteaders was created when “Crazy Gorgeous” and I – “The Crazy One” became extremely excited about our dreams. In the excitement, we developed a strong passion to begin farming in order to have a healthier lifestyle. In the early stages of our journey, we realized that we are doing what God had intended for us. With all of the exciting talk about homesteading, we started sounding crazy. Hence the name “Three Crazy Homesteaders”. Our son, however, is just “Plain Crazy”. LOL!

Our dreams consist of raising chickens and goats, as well as growing fresh fruits and vegetables on our three-quarter acre plot of land, with dreams in the future of moving to a bigger plot of land and raising additional animals. My hope is to inspire people to take a breath, relax, and enjoy this life.

Our blogs are about the everyday life of a non-experienced, crazy family of three, walking through the process of starting their very own homestead on a very tight budget. Our hopes are to have the ability to eat healthier, spend less money, and utilize our own land to make great food.

Follow in our excitement as we share our journey. 
