Hello world!

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Hey guys, this is my first blog on our website! I’m pretty excited and really pumped about what our future holds. We, as a family, are not only beginning to start our own homestead, but we are starting our own business, along with blogging, and vlogging so that we can share our journey with you. 

We have a lot of projects ahead of us. The projects that are on the top of our list are: 

  • Vlogging everything
  • Preparing our t-shirt designs
  • Sketching the design of the buildings that will house our animals
  • Sketching the design of our garden
  • Building a fence
  • Building the houses for our animals
  • And building the garden

I may post the designs of our garden, the housing, and the t-shirt design, so you can see exactly what our plans are and give you the opportunity to give some feedback.

On a quick note, I am hoping and praying that we are successful in helping others fulfill their dreams. If your 💓 desires it, and you ask, you shall receiveI really hope that we are able to succeed in our dreams. I believe that God is in control and even though there are ups and downs in life, I’m going to start my day by always looking up.

To help you get to know me, I will give you a small part of my self bio. I have been sick since 2005. I was around the age of 25. I started having some extreme health issues with symptoms that were not limited to the following: dizziness, confusion, extreme pain, fatigue, lightheaded, loss of energy, just to name a few. As time passed the symptoms progressed. I had seen several doctors, and participated in all kinds of tests. One test would come back with normal results, which lead to more testing with the same results… all normal, but something was still wrong. Eventually, in 2013, shortly after removing myself from a crawl space to install Direct T.V., I collapse, then woke up 13 to 14 hours later in the hospital. I immediately knew I had to get this fixed!

Five months later, still 2013, I met a beautiful young woman whom I married in May 2014. By July, we started renting a house in the country and I took on the responsibility of a 7-year-old boy. Some may say that the first year of marriage is your romantic year. Well, needless to say, that was not the case for us. 

We experienced some highly stressful events in our first year of marriage and my health started to deteriorate faster. Like before, we visited several doctors and specialists. Finally, an endocrinologist ran a certain test that indicated I had chronic stress disorder. At first, he almost missed it, but I started asking questions which forced him to look at the test results again. The cortisol chemical in my body that helps with stress constantly overloads my system.

When I first got sick, everyone thought I might be bipolar or have depression. I would tell them, “No, that’s not it, its something else”. What was really going on with me was the overload of cortisol in my body. When I  experience any type of emotion, the cortisol is released and I become overwhelmed with that emotion to the point I cannot contain it. It consumes every part of me. So, if I am happy, I am extremely happy. If I am sad, I am extremely sad. This created more health problems for me.

Your body is naturally supposed to level itself out. Mine, however, doesn’t level out as quickly as most other individuals. Since this condition has been with me for thirteen years, there may not be a way to stop it. However, that will not keep us from trying to eliminate as many stressors as possible, along with naturally curing other disorders I developed over the course of these past thirteen years.

Because of chronic stress syndrome, I have diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, obesity, thyroid disorder – could be genetic, and I am an increased risk for cardiovascular disorders. This is very sad, but on the bright side – I am now, after ten years, excited about life.

Starting this year, 2018, I am determined to improve my lifestyle.

I started a keto diet in early December 2017. My official weight prior to starting was 404 lbs.  Today, I weigh 387 lbs. Within the first week of my diet, I noticed a change in my strength, stamina, energy, and I was able to move around again without severe pain. Granted I still feel pain, just not on the same level as before. The passion for creating our Homestead became so strong it motivated me to overcome my health issues.

In conclusion of my first blog, I will update you on our progress thus far. As you saw in our homepage section, we have four chicks. Their names are Lady, Goldie, Mini, and Giantess. We hope to build “Broody’s Post Office” (chicken coop) by the end of next weekend. As I mentioned before, I will post our designs for the chicken coop, the t-shirt, and the garden so you can see our plans, then watch the video to see the dream become reality.

Please keep us in your prayers as we fulfill our dreams with our homestead.

Until next time,  love, The Crazy One

One Reply to “Hello world!”

  1. The difference between winners and losers is that winners never quit. You’ve got a winning attitude, and I look forward to hearing about all your victories in this adventure. I’m excited with and for you all.

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